Saturday, June 5, 2010

Ignorant and Free

If you've ever wondered how a man with absolutely no qualifications could get himself elected to the most powerful political office in the world, perhaps this goes some way toward explaining it:

According to a new survey released by the legal information website Two-thirds of the 1,000 American adults polled couldn't name a single current Supreme Court justice, and just 1 percent were able to name all nine sitting justices. Many respondents believed that retired justices Sandra Day O'Connor and David Souter continue to sit on the court.

Maybe it should be a requirement that, in order to be eligible to vote, one care enough about what's going on that one is at least able to identify the people who occupy our country's highest political and judicial posts.

Thomas Jefferson once said that any nation that expects to be ignorant and free expects what never was and never will be. Scary thought, that, given the results of the above poll.