Saturday, June 5, 2010

They <i>Are</i> Home, Helen

Helen Thomas seems to agree with Iran's thug president Mahmoud Ahmedinejad that the Jews need to get out of the Middle East:

Set aside the sheer impracticality, the utter unhelpfulness, of Thomas' suggestion that millions of Jews pack up, leave Israel, and flood into Europe and ask rather why they alone, of all the people who live in lands previously occupied by others, most of whom took those lands from yet others, should leave their homes and go into exile? Does she think that every non-native American should "go home" to Europe and Africa? If so, why does she continue to live here? Does she think that Arabs who conquered their way from the Middle East across north Africa to Spain should now all return to the land of their origin? Indeed, she says that Jews should "go home," but Jews lived in the Middle East for thousands of years after the Egyptian captivity, why is that land now the Palestinians' home and not theirs? Why does Ms Thomas begrudge the Jews this tiny sliver of land carved by the United Nations from the vast expanses of the Middle East after the horrors of the Holocaust?

Helen Thomas is the dean of the White House press corps, a status which is evidently completely unrelated to one's ability to offer thoughtful solutions to difficult problems.