Saturday, June 15, 2024

Some Good News

It's not often that genuinely good news about the state of our culture crosses my desk, but this article at The Federalist offers some hope that our long spell of gender insanity may be coming to an end.

The article is by Ashley Bateman who tells us that in a June 6 press conference the head of the American College of Pediatricians (ACPEDS), Jill Simons, MD, announced the "Doctors Protecting Children Declaration." She writes that,
The Declaration is the product of a collaborative effort relying on the expertise of hundreds of pediatricians, doctors, researchers, health-care workers, and medical organizations across the country and urges all U.S. medical personnel to stop experimentation and abuse of children under the guise of transgender treatment.

The American Academy of Pediatrics, Endocrine Society, Pediatric Endocrine Society, American Medical Association, American Psychological Association, and the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry need to “follow the science” their European colleagues are finally acknowledging “and immediately stop the promotion of social affirmation, puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and surgeries for children and adolescents who experience distress over their biological sex,” Simons said.
Simons added that,
[We are] defying the claims made by these medical organizations in the U.S. that those of us who are concerned are a minority, and that their protocols are consensus. They are not consensus and we are speaking in a loud unified voice, ‘Enough.’
Bateman adds this:
Representing thousands of health-care workers in more than 50 countries, the Declaration comes on the heels of the April release of the nearly 400-page Cass Review, an extensive and independent review of gender services for children commissioned by the British National Health Service.

The findings were glaring: no evidence of positive mental health outcomes for children who socially “transitioned;” social transitioning led to increased medical interventions; puberty blockers reduced bone density in youth and led to no improvements in gender dysphoria or body satisfaction; most long-term negative outcomes are yet to be seen.

In spite of this and the recently leaked WPATH files exposing the dangerous pseudoscience base for gender medicine, some U.S. medical organizations have not changed course, Simons said.

With “clearly laid out evidence that these procedures are harmful and not helpful,” Simons and her colleagues had expected gender-transition practitioners to take a step back from current protocols, but instead they have “doubled down and said they’re going to continue with what they’re doing.”

The majority of health-care workers do not adhere to transgender treatment ideology, and attempts to silence and isolate the majority cannot continue, Simons said.
There's more, including links to the documents Bateman cites, at the link.

Future generations will almost certainly look back at this time in history and wonder what in the world were people thinking when they insisted that butchering children's bodies was somehow a good thing.