Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Three Pounds of Wonder

This seven-minute video from the John 10:10 project illustrates the breathtaking complexity and capability of the human brain. It is astonishing what this organ does, and personally, it's also astonishing that anyone still thinks that something like this could somehow arise through sheer chance and blind mechanical processes.

The creators of the video write this:
The human brain has been called the most complex structure in the universe and every moment of every day, it controls each movement we make, thought we have, and word we speak. In this visually compelling short video, stunning computer animation and cutting-edge imagery will transport you inside a realm of unimaginable wonder. We have been blessed with a gift that not only makes life on Earth possible, it also opens the door to a personal relationship with the Creator of the heavens and the Earth.
See what you think: