Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Why You Should Vote Democratic

Evidently, it has come to this. Could it be that the best candidate to lead our country for the next four years is a narcissistic septuagenarian with the emotional maturity of a thirteen year-old? Well, what's the alternative?

If you wish to be governed by people ...
  • who propped up a feeble-bodied, feeble-minded man whose finger was on the nuclear trigger, who intentionally hid this man's debility from us in order to hold on to their own power and who claim he's fit to serve as president for four more months but not for four more years;
  • who have allowed fentanyl, potential rapists, murderers, and terrorists to continue to pour across our borders almost completely unchecked;
  • who believe men can get pregnant, who want to put tampons in men's restrooms, who demand that men be able to compete against your daughters in sports and share locker rooms and showers with them;
  • who want to make pedophilia just another sexual orientation, who think it's a positive good that gender-confused children are chemically and genitally mutilated and/or exposed to men flouncing around in women's clothing shaking their male genitalia in the face of children at "Drag Queen Story Hours;"
  • who think it's a positive good to allow, even celebrate, unborn children being killed up to the moment of birth and perhaps even after;
  • who think it's proper to mobilize federal law enforcement and the judiciary against political enemies; who think it's good for a president to flout Supreme Court rulings and weaponize the judicial system and law enforcement to harass and intimidate everyday citizens - concerned parents at school board meetings, pro-life advocates, grandmothers praying at the Capitol on January 6th, and political critics like Tulsi Gabbard while letting street criminals off with a slap on the wrist;
  • who think it's a good thing that our energy production be curtailed making us more dependent again on foreign oil, and forced to drive electric cars that few people want;
  • who turn a blind eye to Christians and Jews being harassed and threatened in the courts and on our campuses;
  • who think you should need an ID for almost everything you do in life, including getting into their campaign rallies, but that it's bigoted to require an ID to vote, and who think non-citizens should have the right to vote;
  • who want to take billions of dollars from people who never had anything to do with slavery or Jim Crow and give it to people who never experienced either of these themselves;
  • who think our Afghanistan pullout was a great success, that hamstringing both Ukraine and Israel is good foreign policy;
  • who think more racial division is somehow good for the country, and that DEI and Critical Race Theory will somehow unite us, and who raised money to bail out rioters who did millions of dollars in property damage in the wake of George Floyd's death;
Then by all means you should vote Democratic this November.