Monday, March 3, 2025

Common Sense

Some things are just common sense. For example, it's common sense to believe that:
  • men cannot make themselves into women, cannot menstruate, lactate, or get pregnant.
  • women should not have to contend with men in their locker rooms or restrooms, or compete against men in athletic contests.
  • we should not stock our public school libraries with salacious reading material or permit men who dress as women to dance in front of children or otherwise influence them.
  • society should protect the lives of the innocent and helpless.
  • criminals should be prosecuted and that failure to prosecute encourages more crime.
  • if the only way to drive Russia out of Ukraine is to precipitate WWIII then we should strive now to seek the best deal for an end to the war that we can.
  • our Bill of Rights is a blessing and a bulwark against tyranny.
  • defending Hamas and anyone who supports them is to side with evil.
  • our government should be as lean, efficient and as free of fraud and waste as possible.
  • people who never went to college should not have to pay off the debt of people who did.
  • judging people by their abilities and their character is fair and just and that judging them by their skin color is not.
  • a nation should have secure borders and properly vet all who seek to get in.
  • if there are rapists, murderers, and other felons in our country illegally they should be deported.
  • children born to people who are breaking our laws by being here or who are otherwise here only to have children should not be rewarded with citizenship.
  • if nuclear power plants can operate safely and the spent fuel be stored safely we should build more nuclear power plants.
  • if the government continues to print more money inflation will ensue and more people will ultimately be unemployed.
  • we cannot increase our national debt indefinitely.
  • if a state raises the minimum wage the prices of goods will go up and the people who work minimum wage jobs will soon be unemployed as over 10,000 fast food workers in California have discovered.
As you reflect on this list ask yourself which of our two major political parties is most likely to be found on the side of common sense and which is most likely to be found on the other side.