Monday, March 10, 2025

Two Thoughts

John Hinderaker, writing at, offers a pretty good description of the way the Left and Right are portrayed in our media:
The Left is normal, no matter how many millions they kill or hundreds of millions they plunge into poverty. The Right is dangerous and abnormal, no matter how successful conservative policies may be, and no matter how much empirical evidence shows that conservatives are happier, healthier and more philanthropic than liberals. And when liberals talk about the Right–as in Right-Wing Studies–they don’t just mean the handful of wackos who are found at every point on the political compass. They are talking about you and me.
It's long been noted that the media calls anyone to the right of Joe Biden "Far-Right or Right-wing" extremists, terms which make these folks sound like crazies, but they rarely call anyone on the left "Far-Left" or "Left-wing" extremists even though many of them certainly fit the description.

To paraphrase British author Douglas Murray, the terms "Far Right" and "Far Left" are in need of some hygiene. Yes, and some clarification. For clarification try here.

Another thought:

People often wonder, "Can't we all just get along?" Well, apparently not. Political coexistence between the parties is only possible if the two sides agree on ends even though they may disagree on the means. Unfortunately, the left and the right agree on neither the means nor the ends. The right wants to preserve our constitutional republic, our traditional moral values, our economic system, and our institutions like family, church, education, etc.

Not many on the left will acknowledge it publicly, but the left has made it very clear in their academic writings and by their behavior that they want to tear the whole system down and replace it with they-don't-know-what.

This has been the left's ambition ever since Karl Marx wrote his Communist Manifesto in the 19th century and his 20th and 21st century disciples have picked up the baton. Marxism is the root of Critical Theory (CT), whether Critical Race Theory, Critical Gender Theory, Critical Queer Theory, Anti-Colonial Theory, or any other variant of CT.

For the left the whole bourgeois system is rotten and oppressive and needs to go.

Getting along with these folks too often requires that one capitulate to them. If you can't agree with their point of view, if you think that they're mistaken, rather than try to understand why you think the way you do they'll often estrange themselves from you and disown you, even if you're family. I wrote about this estrangement a few months ago and have since then heard of several more cases in or near my rather narrow circle of acquaintances.

It's very hard to get along with people who treat those who love them so cruelly, who consider heartbroken parents and other family members to be "dead" to them for no other reason than that they differ in their political convictions.