Thursday, September 1, 2005

The Border War

Bill Roggio at The Fourth Rail has an interesting series of posts on the border war in Iraq and how it is evolving into a war between Iraqi tribes fighting mostly foreign jihadis, with the tribes receiving American air support. Begin with this post, and then go here and finish here.

Roggio also notes that there is almost nothing in the MSM about this conflict and its significance. If it weren't for blogs no one would know anything of importance about what's going on in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's no wonder that support for the Bush's policy is eroding. Nobody knows whether we're making progress or not because the only information people get is filtered through the steady drizzle of negativism and body counts dispensed by the media.

One of the big stories that'll someday be written about this war is the ineptitude displayed by the media in reporting it. Vietnam received much more thorough coverage, such as it was, than has Iraq.