Those of you who live in central Pennsylvania might be interested in this lecture:
The Department of Politics at Messiah College invites you to join us on Tuesday, January 17 from 7:00-8:30pm in Boyer 131 for "Reflections on Kitzmiller v. the Dover Area School District," a presentation by Tom Schmidt, legal counsel for the plaintiffs in the recently concluded intelligent design trial.
Tom Schmidt is attorney-in-charge of Pepper Hamilton LLP, Harrisburg. He graduated from the Dickinson School of Law in 1974--where presently he is an adjunct instructor of advocacy--and received his undergraduate degree from Boston College in 1968. His legal practice includes work in Pennsylvania's Supreme, Superior, and Commonwealth Courts. He also maintains a substantial pro bono practice and serves frequently as a court-appointed mediator in the US District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania.
It should be an interesting talk.