Monday, May 22, 2006

Drudge Retracts

Regarding our post based on the Matt Drudge report that Howard Dean worked to get New Orleans mayor Ray Nagin's white opponent elected in the Democratic primary, there has been a retraction, of sorts. After citing the DNC denials Drudge says:

The DRUDGE REPORT takes chairman Dean and his spokesman at their word.

I guess like which two Sundays ago posted an article that claimed that Karl Rove was going to be indicted this past week and which they later retracted with the claim that "sometimes they get too far out ahead of the news cycle," it appears that Matt Drudge was a little bit ahead of the curve himself.

The Rove piece at TruthOut, by the way, was written by an admitted liar who has a history of drug addiction and mental illness. Not exactly the sort of person whose work you would expect to be carried by a blog called TruthOut.