Friday, July 13, 2007

Bold Prediction

Undaunted and unabashed by the utter failure of my bold prediction last November that Republican Sen. Rick Santorum would either win his race against Bob Casey (By the way, whatever became of Casey?) or take Don Rumsfeld's place as Secretary of Defense, I offer another foolish prognostication here.

There's still a long way to go before the primaries so there's plenty of time for everyone to forget that I said this if I'm wrong, and if I'm right I'll be sure to remind you of it:

The Democratic nominee for president will be ..... Al Gore.

Gore's got a lot that Hillary and Obama lack, not the least of which is experience. He has none (or little) of the ethical baggage that Hillary is dragging behind her, and he seems more serious than Barack Obama who looks to us to be running for the title of first black Vice-president in history.

Gore's announcement would trigger paroxysms of joy among the left-wing Democratic base. He has an impeccable anti-war record, and is, of course, a saint among the environmentalists. He has what passes for genuine star-power among the lefties who would pump tons of money into his campaign if he got in.

At some point the Democrats are going to realize that Hillary is a liability and Obama, with only two years in the Senate, is just not ready. If Gore announces his candidacy he'd be the answer to their prayers, or the secular equivalent thereof.

Anyway, we'll see if he throws his hat in the ring. I think he will. He believes he should be president now instead of Bush who he believes stole the presidency, and he wants to avenge the 2000 election "debacle." 2008 would probably be his last chance, and I doubt that he'll pass it up, especially because he probably senses that the nomination would be his for the asking.