Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Young Korean Hostages Update

The fate of the kidnapped South Korean Christians in Afghanistan is as yet unknown, but there have apparently been rescue operations launched as the Taliban's deadline has passed and another of the young missionaries has been murdered for the glory of Allah.

The young man at the bottom left of the photo is the latest victim. The pastor of the group at the far right was the first:

Meanwhile the American press, unable to cognitively process that the fate of Christians, much less Asian Christians, is worth their attention, remain engrossed by the really important developments surrounding Lindsay Lohan, Michael Vick and the race between Hillary and Obama.

I wonder if we could work out a trade - say, 500 MSM journalists in exchange for the remaining twenty one missionaries. The difficulty would be in convincing the Taliban, or anyone else for that matter, that 500 liberal journalists are anywhere near equal in value to those 21 young Koreans.