Monday, January 21, 2008

Another Deranged Hater

Speaking of liberal fascism, an anti-war lawyer by the name of Jay Grodner was sentenced the other day for having keyed the car (!) of a Marine on the eve of the young man's deployment. You'd think it would be some malicious kid that would do something like this, and, in a way, you'd be right. Here's the guy's picture, though:

He's 55 years old, he owns a law firm and he's so twisted that he damages cars that have military license plates. He's an adult, to be sure, but only in terms of his age.

The account of the man's vandalism, which amounted to $2400 in damages, is here.

The judge in the sentencing hearing apparently blasted Grodner. He should be disbarred. See Michelle's site for details of the sentencing.