Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Dreadfully Sorry

Keith Olbermann apologizes to the Clintons on behalf of MSNBC for David Shuster's intemperate vulgarism equating Chelsea Clinton to a hooker, suggesting that she's being "pimped out" by the Clinton campaign. Unfortunately, Olbermann is not the best person at the network to issue apologies for the use by others of this indelicate colloquialism. Olbermann Watch puts together the following video of Olbermann's apology remixed with some of his own offensive remarks to show us why he's got his own problems with polite speech:

I wonder if Olby or MSNBC would have been "dreadfully sorry" had Shuster made his ill-considered comment in reference to one of the Bush daughters.

Anyway, while we're at it wasn't it another NBC reporter, Erin Burnett, who called President Bush a monkey? NBC must be a real class outfit.