Thursday, June 12, 2008

Liars' Club

Have the Democrats been playing political games with the Iraq war and the welfare of our troops? Congressman Paul Kanjorski (D, PA) seems to be boasting that they have:

"I'll tell you my impression. We really in this last election, when I say we...the Democrats, I think pushed it as far as we can to the end of the fleet, didn't say it, but we implied it. That if we won the Congressional elections, we could stop the war. Now anybody was a good student of Government would know that wasn't true. But you know, the temptation to want to win back the Congress, we sort of stretched the facts...and people ate it up."

Of course when confronted with his statement he tries to deny he said it:

What are we to make of this? One conclusion we can draw is that at least some Democrats don't mind lying in order to get a firmer grasp on political power. Another is that they apparently see their constituents as a bunch of gullible dolts.

HT: Hot Air