Thursday, February 12, 2009

Factually Inaccurate

Ed Morrissey makes a case that President Obama told two brazen lies to the American people at his press conference Monday night and displayed on top of that a distressing lack of historical understanding. I didn't see the conference, but I did hear about his statements and as much as I'd like to think that he was just misinformed or mistaken, it's hard to avoid the conclusion that he deliberately misrepresented the Republican position on the stimulus package. There's simply no excuse for anyone to claim that the Republican position is one of "just doing nothing" about our economic crisis.

I'm less certain that I agree with Morrissey on Obama's second "lie,"which, I think, can be more charitably chalked up to the President's characteristic lack of precision.

Morrissey may well be correct, however, that Obama really doesn't seem to know much history. I thought this in listening to him talk about Roosevelt's response to the Great Depression, and Morrissey points out that President Obama got the economic circumstances in Japan in the 1990s exactly backward - a mistake that has important implications for his "stimulus" package.

Anyway, you should read his column for yourself. It gives insight into the man who will be at the helm for at least the next four years.