Friday, April 17, 2009

Civil Discourse Among the Lefties

This video of last night's Countdown with Keith Olbermann has to be seen to be believed (and savored). Tens of thousands (at least) of ordinary Americans turn out to protest the reckless spending that is almost sure to bury our children under a mountain of debt and Janeane Garofalo and Keith Olbermann slander them with almost every libel they can think of and then wind up concluding that these concerned citizens are all opposed to Obama's policies because he's black.

For Garofalo and Olbermann anyone who opposes spending our country into oblivion is a stupid, racist, latent mass murderer who's easily manipulated by the evil Fox News. Maybe Ms Garofalo is angling for a job in Janet Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security, or, more likely, this video is simply a glimpse into the fevered fantasy world in which the left lives and moves and has its being. I don't recall either of these luminaries saying anything at all bad about the G-20 protestors, or the anti-war protestors back in Bush's first term - people who have actually destroyed property and harmed, or threatened to harm, other human beings during their protests - but let ordinary folks gather peaceably to display their frustration and displeasure with their political leadership and that's prima facie proof to such as Garofalo and Olbermann that the protestors are a bunch of bigoted Neanderthals a single incendiary word away from reenacting the Holocaust.

Garofalo avers that opponents of the President's policies are suffering from a neurological disorder - perhaps she has a degree in psychiatry, I don't know - but what name should we assign the delusions under which she and Mr. Olbermann labor? These demonstrations weren't funded by the GOP nor were they organized by Fox News. Perhaps when one is consumed with hate and a sense of one's own intellectual superiority, paranoia comes naturally and any who dare dissent from their own point of view is little more than a contemptible "redneck."

Anyway, the good stuff starts about three minutes in:

Don't you wish you were as smart as Ms Garofalo? She knows so much it must be sheer joy to be her. On the other hand, we might pity the woman who, gifted with such a towering intellect - a virtue exceeded in its vastness only by her vanity - finds that nevertheless the only people who care to listen to her are a few members of Keith Olbermann's tiny audience, people who perchance are as hate-filled as is Ms Garofalo.