Wednesday, January 20, 2010


The liberal media have consistently tried to portray the Tea Party folks as rabid thugs and yahoos, which is, of course, nonsense. Nevertheless, one comes to expect such mischaracterizations from the left which seems to indulge itself in a classic case of psychological projection when it tries to talk about the Tea Party movement.

By this I mean that the left imputes to its perceived enemies the same character traits it sub-consciously knows that it, itself, possesses.

Consider, for example, these twenty photos taken at left-wing rallies during the Bush years and put together by John Hawkins. Says Hawkins:

It has been enlightening to see how differently the anti-war rallies and Tea Parties have been covered by the mainstream media. The anti-war rallies were given prominent coverage and the radical sentiment was hidden away from the public. On the other hand, positive news about the Tea Parties is buried by the MSM and the ugliest voices are put front and center.

However, here's a reality check: Radical sentiment was much more prevalent at the anti-war rallies and it was much more representative of the participants' opinions. You can tell that's the case because while offensive signs and conspiracy theories at Tea Parties have frequently been condemned by conservatives, you almost never heard liberals disavowing the offensive signage and comments at anti-war rallies.

Tell me if you saw anything as vile or violent as these at a Tea Party.