Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mr. President, Do Your Job

Arizona's Governor Jan Brewer is not taking President Obama's feckless response to the flood of illegals pouring across our borders lying down. This ad is effective, but it's unlikely to stir any positive reaction from a president who opposes border control out of both ideological conviction and political necessity. He's ideologically disposed toward open borders and is politically dependent on Hispanic votes for survival in 2012 so he's really not interested in Governor Brewer's insistence that he fulfill his responsibilities as the nation's chief law enforcement officer:

The President showed us how much he cares about the concerns of those who want laws against illegal immigration enforced by threatening to sue Arizona over their recent measure (SB1070) requiring local police to uphold federal law and by appointing a man to head up ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) who supports sanctuary cities and who opposes legislation like SB1070.

Mr. Obama's immigration policies can have only one of two long-term outcomes. Either border states will simply give up trying to keep illegal aliens out and the nation will be overwhelmed with the cost burden these immigrants will impose, or states will move further and further toward independence from a federal government that they perceive as hostile to their welfare. Neither of these outcomes is in any way good for the nation, but that's the hope and change we voted for in 2008.