Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Presidential Paralysis

Bill writes to inform us of a development in Arizona that's truly dispiriting. An 80 mile swath of parkland along the border has been closed to American citizens because the area is too dangerous to enter. Illegal aliens have turned Buenas Aires National Wildlife Refuge into a no-go zone, but though Arizona officials have demanded that the federal government fulfill it's constitutional obligation to defend the states against foreign incursion, President Obama has been no more inclined to send them help than he has been to send booms and skimmers to Governor Jindal in Louisianna.

It's mystifying to me that the President is so unresponsive to the pleas of people along the Gulf coast to send the means for them to fend off the oil threatening their beaches and marshes. It's equally mysterious why he would allow taxpayer funded parks to be closed rather than send the means to secure them from those who are there illegally.

We thought last evening he would provide an explanation for why he has not done some things he could have done, and how he will proceed in the future to see that the mess is cleaned up. In the event, however, his speech was disappointing, telling us almost nothing.

It's as if Mr. Obama is suffering some sort of mental paralysis and is simply unable to make a decision except as to where to go to play golf. Either that, or he's deliberately trying to win acclamation as the worst President in the history of our nation.

If it's the latter he's certainly well on his way.