Monday, August 9, 2010

Selective Outrage

Political cartoonist Mike Lester discerns a smidgeon of hypocrisy among liberals who fawn over the opinions of Muslims, while finding the same sentiments outrageous should they be held by non-Muslims:

The fact is that in many Muslim countries being gay is indeed a capital offense, as these two unfortunate young Iranians discovered the hard way a couple of years back:

Among many of the devotees of the Prophet there's no religious tolerance, no separation of church and state, gays are executed, and women are treated as property (and brutally dispatched should they displease their families), but it's hard to find much condemnation of any of this among American progressives.
As Lester's cartoon suggests, liberals are courageous defenders of the rights of women and gays as long as there's no risk involved in being so. They bring to mind the vociferous opposition by women's groups to the nomination of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court in the early nineties. Their dudgeon was ostensibly the result of some putatively inappropriate behavior that occured in the vicinity of the chaste Anita Hill. These same very principled advocates for exploited women, however, suddenly went on vacation when Bill Clinton and other prominent Democrats were accused of far worse than anything alleged against Thomas.

It's not hard to understand why it is hard to take such people seriously.