Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Via Hot Air: The website Rebel Pundit conducted an experiment at a Chicago literature festival asking people which of a group of books they would like to see banned. One assumes that the attendees of a book fair would provide a good cross-section of the most well-read and reasonably well-educated folks in Chicago, which makes the results of this unscientific sampling all the more disconcerting:
Since the results showed that those who participated voted overwhelmingly to ban conservative books it would appear that the book-banners were mostly liberals. The sun seems to be setting on the day when liberals stood foursquare for freedom of the press and freedom of speech and the right to say things which they may personally find offensive. Nowadays it seems that the many on the left couldn't care less about the First Amendment, at least to the extent it protects those with whom they disagree.

Or maybe these folks are just dunces who don't comprehend what they're saying by participating in this "survey". Of course, if that's the case it's still pretty distressing, especially when you consider that roughly 40% of the electorate is comprised of liberals in whose ranks are people too dumb to realize what a horrific statement they're making by voting to ban books they don't appreciate.

One more thought: What else does it say about these people that so many of them preferred to see books by Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, and Ann Coulter banned before they would have banned Mein Kampf?