Ron Suskind has a new book coming out about the Obama presidency and it has a few items in it that are sure to raise blood pressures at the White House. According to
Politico some of the major players on the President's economic team felt there was simply no leadership coming from the Oval Office. Suskind quotes Larry Summers talking to Peter Orzag:
‘You know, Peter, we’re really home alone.’ Over the past few months, Summers had said this, in a stage whisper, to Orszag and others as they left the morning economic briefings in the Oval Office. … ‘I mean it,’ Summers stressed. ‘We’re home alone. There’s no adult in charge. Clinton would never have made these mistakes.’
The fact that people closest to the Oval Office felt no one was manning the helm is bad enough, but there's more in the book to dismay Obama enthusiasts (are there still such folks?). Mr. Obama's staff was apparently comprised of a bunch of Neanderthals as well:
‘The president has a real woman problem’ was the assessment of another high-ranking female official. ‘The idea of the boys’ club being just Larry [Summers] and Rahm [Emmanuel] isn’t fair. He [Obama] was just as responsible himself.’ … ‘[L]ooking back,’ recalled Anita Dunn [Obama's former communications director], when asked about it nearly two years later, ‘this place would be in court for a hostile workplace … Because it actually fit all of the classic legal requirements for a genuinely hostile workplace to women.’
Yikes. The most progressive White House in history is run by a bunch of chauvinist pigs? Who'd have guessed? But, hey - they'll keep abortion legal so presumably feminists will bite their tongues and keep their complaints to themselves, just like they did during the Clinton presidency. Isn't it ironic that we never heard these kinds of revelations emanating from the Reagan administration or either Bush administration. It seems that it's only when liberals are in the White House that women get treated shabbily.