Saturday, October 19, 2024

Information and Life

Materialist scientists and philosophers have long held that the fundamental substance that makes up everything in the universe is matter - protons, neutrons, and electrons. That view, however, seems to be giving way among a significant number of thinkers to the view that even more fundamental than matter is information.

Everything, these philosophers and scientists assert, can be reduced to bits of data. But if this is so then the question arises how information can come to exist unless there are minds to create it and apprehend it.

This fascinating 17 minute video gives insight into the problem as it pertains to living things. The information required to form every structure in the body is enormous, but the video highlights the development of bones. It's astonishing.

At the end of the video the narrator, Lehigh biochemist Michael Behe, asks the obvious question - how did so much information get incorporated into every living thing? There are only two possibilities, lucky chance or the product of an intelligent mind. Watch the video and ask yourself which alternative seems to you to be the most plausible.