Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Build the Fence!!

Yet another American has been murdered by an illegal alien and several handicapped girls were raped by illegals, but still George Bush thinks there's no problem with an open border. His and the Republican Senate's complete cluelessness on this issue probably did as much as anything to lose Congress to the Democrats. Our political leaders will dawdle and twiddle on this issue until there is so much resentment in this country toward Hispanics that we find ourselves in open conflict.

There are only two reasons for allowing the problem of illegal immigration to continue and both of them are ignoble. Businesses want cheap labor, and the major political parties don't want to antagonize the massive immigrant population because they don't want them to join the other party when they get citizenship. That's assuming, of course, that someone will even need to be a citizen to vote in the next election.

Americans of both parties should make it clear that they will not support any candidate in the next, or any future, election who does not take an oath that he will vote to build and fund the fence along all 1200 miles of the border with Mexico. Anything less than this is indicative of a lack of committment to stopping the tidal wave of illegals pouring across the Rio Grande and all of the social and environmental problems they bring with them. Anyone running for public office who is indifferent to this crisis, in our opinion, thereby disqualifies him or herself from serving.

This is indie film-maker Adrienne Shelly, the woman murdered in New York by an Ecuadoran illegal, who told police he "was having a bad day":

See Cheat Seeking Missiles and Michelle Malkin for the awful details.